CS373 Fall 2022: Minh Nguyen — Blog #9

Nhat Minh Nguyen
2 min readOct 24, 2022


  • What did you do this past week?

Last week, I finished my other classes’ homework and assignments as usual. I tried to catch up with some hard lectures but cannot finish all of them. Beside, I did a few leetcode question to prepare for my next interviews.

  • What’s in your way and hat will you do next week?

I still have some materials which I do not fully understand so I am spending more time on these hard parts to catch up. I also missed a few lectures in other classes so I also need to catch up with these classes’ material. I also have an behavior interview next week. I hope I will do well on this one.

Our SWE group had made a significant progress this week, however we still need to make our custom API work so that our front-end can pull data from our own API

  • What did you think of Paper #9. The Dependency Inversion Principle?

I have read about Dependency Inversion Principle and it seems to talk about abstraction which I have been learned before in CS312 and CS314 classes. It helps me understanding more deeply about applying abstraction in programming. Besides, the article mentions the differences between C++ and JAVA in separating interface and implementation.

  • What was your experience of the relational algebra, select, and project? (this question will vary, week to week)

I have seen about these concept in my Database Management class which taught in SQL, however, I am still a bit confused on implementing select and project in Python.

  • What made you happy this week?

Staying with my parents is a lot of fun but back to my own place in Austin made me feel comfortable. I also could be more productive and focus on my plan. In addition, the beautiful weather during this time along with the beautiful nature of Austin gives me many opportunities to participate in outdoor activities.

  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I found an online tutorial for building REST API that I think pretty straigh forward and helpful: https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/rest/



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