CS371P Spring 2021 Week 8: Nhat Minh Nguyen

Nhat Minh Nguyen
2 min readMar 15, 2021


  1. What did you do this past week?

This week, my OS class has moved to another topic which is requiring me to implement a file system called EXT2, I found it very interesting and help me understand more about how files, directories, and physical sectors on disk combine and working. In OOP class, I was assigned to do a project about allocators which make me remember implementing malloc and free in my CS429 class last semester. Professor Downing gave us a lot of examples and made it pretty clear and straightforward about how allocator, delete, constructor, and destructor work together.

2. What’s in your way?

Although my OS class had moved to a totally different topic, I still have some confusion about a few things about concurrency and multithreading. I am planning on spending spring week to finish them.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week is my spring break, I am going to visit my parent and we are planning on having a road trip not too far from Texas. I am really looking forward to this plan. After this trip, I am going to put my hand on assignments due after spring break.

4. If you read it, what did you think of the Liskov Substitution Principle?

The article about Liskov Substitution Principle really helps me understand more about the way of using inheritance and polymorphism to apply the Open-Closed Principle when programming. Although they are two distinct things, they are quite closely related.

5. What was your experience of heap arrays, allocators, and digits iterator? (this question will vary, week to week)

I have heard about heap arrays and allocators before in both CS314 and CS429. I think I did something similar to the digits iterator in an exam of CS312 class but just trying implementing a method in Java to iterate through digit, not writing a particular class in C++.

6. What made you happy this week?

During this spring break, I live with my parents so we have more opportunities to chat and I have chances to eat many delicious dishes cooked by my mom after a few months I cooked for myself. We are also having a trip coming next week so I am pretty excited about it.



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