CS 373 Fall 2022: Minh Nguyen — Week#6

Nhat Minh Nguyen
2 min readOct 3, 2022


  • What did you do this past week?

Last week, my SWE group had the 2nd meeting and we divided the project into front-end and back-end parts. I have been doing front end part since then.

  • What’s in your way?

I still need to figure out how to get data from our API so that I do not need to hard code the data for our project. I also need to review for the Machine Learning exam and an interview next Wednesday

  • What will you do next week?

Our SWE need to finished the project which is due tomorrow night. I also have an exam and an interview next Wednesday. After that, my schedule will be less tight so I hope I can focus more on the 2nd phase of the SWE project.

  • What did you think of Paper #6: The Open-Closed Principle?

The paper mentioned a few rules that I learnt in Data Structure class. I found the paper done well in explained the Open-Closed Principle through useful and practical examples. I think we should carefully applied these principles into our project so that it will be easier to extend and debug in later phases.

  • What was your experience of operators, iterators, and generators? (this question will vary, week to week)

I did not code in Python very much before so I did not have many experiences with operators, iterators and generators in Python. However, I learned about iterator in JAVA in Data Structure class and learned about operators in C in OOP class so most of my experiences and knowledge are related to these other two languages. I really like the generators in Python, it made initializing built-in data structure in Python so concise and clean.

  • What made you happy this week?

I am glad that my SWE had almost finished the back end part. I also feel like doing front end development. Being able to visualize which I just coded make me feel happy about that.

  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I found that there are a lot front-end libraries to be used with React. These templates are already built and designed and most of them are very pretty. We just need to learn how to use them. React Bootstrap and Material UI are the two libraries we used for our project and I really like them.



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